
2016 / 2017 |
Artist In residence Haren Botanic Gardens Haren/Taak |
2012 |
Rietveld Research Residency, Gerrit Rietveld Academie/Sandberg
Institute, Amsterdam/Mondriaan Foundation, Amsterdam |
2012 |
Artist In Residence Kunstnarhuset Messen (Arthouse Messen) , Ålvik,
Hardangerfjord, Norway |
2011 |
Artist In Residence Kunstnarhuset Messen (Arthouse Messen) , Ålvik,
Hardangerfjord, Norway |
2010 |
Nothing but the sea between us, artist in residence Great Yarmouth UK/BADGAST Scheveningen, Satellietgroep The Hague |

2020 / 2021 |
De Kleinkijkacademie, Severinus, Veldhoven |
2020 / 2021 |
De Droomkeuken (The Dream Kitchen), 'Op recept, kunst en ontwerp voor een vitale regio', Museum van Bommel van Dam/Brightlands Greenport Campus/HAS/VieCuri/Maastricht University, Venlo |
2018 / 2020 |
Re-creatie (Re-creation), De Heygraeff, Reinaerde, Woudenberg |
2018 / 2019 |
Sleutelmomenten (Key moments), Het Dorp, Siza, Arnhem |
2018 |
De Kwekerij/TuinZorg (The Nursery/Garden Care), Design Thinking for spatial adaptation, Province of Noord-Brabant/ Boxmeer council |
2016 -present |
Sociale Sportschool (Social Gym), national platform |
2016 -2018 |
Hortus Hermitage, Verloren en hervonden (Lost and Found), Hortus Haren/TAAK |
2014 - present |
studio PUUR, vision and implementation vision, ORO, Deurne |
2014 / 2016 |
Reinventing Happiness, Stedelijk Museum 's-Hertogenbosch/guest curator Joanna van der Zande |
2014 |
Radboudumc Mean Time, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Centre of Oncology /KCG Knowledge Center for Art and Culture Gelderland |
2013 / 2014 |
SocialDesignForWickedProblems, research project, Nationale Nederlanden/Het Nieuwe Instituut/Twynstra Gudde Geen Kunst |
2013 |
Workshop Vragender, Bas Maters Foundation |
2012 / 2013 |
Fora and Fauna, how art will save the world, commisioned by
Stichting Niet Normaal/ GEM Museum for Contemporary Art, The Hague |
2012 |
Airborne App, project for the Airborne March in commemoration of the Battle of Arnhem, Scarabee Foundation |
2012 |
Stille Getuigen (Silent witnesses), project in nature reserve De Maashorst commisioned by Museum for Religious Art, Uden |
2011 |
ArtBorne 2011, project for the Airborne March in commemoration of the Battle of Arnhem, Scarabee Foundation |
2011 |
De slag bij Rhoon (The battle of Rhoon), Sketch assignment
landschapspark het Buijtenland van Rhoon, province of
South-Holland/Kunstgebouw, Foundation for Art and Culture province of
South-Holland |
2011 |
Brabantstad Cultural Capital of Europe 2018, Sketch assignment, Helmond
council |
2009 / 2010 |
Ieder huisje heeft zijn kruisje (Every house has its cross to bear), research assignment Vlaardingen, Babberspolder-Oost neigbourhood/Kunstgebouw, Foundation for Art and Culture province of South-Holland |
2009 / 2010 |
Kijkfile (Spectator traffic-jam), Schijndel council |
2009 |
Hands on Utopia, Blauwe Huis IJburg/Stedelijk Museum/Stedelijk in de stad (Stedelijk in town), Amsterdam |
2008 / 2009 |
Suikertante van de Heuvel (Sugar–aunt from Heuvel), Breda council |
2008 |
Hoog bezoek (High rise visitor), artist in residence In Overvecht, Utrecht council |
2007- ongoing |
Verruil je huissleutel voor een sterk verhaal (Exchange your house keys for a cock and bull story), Pluimen, Rotterdam |
2006 / 2007 |
Saudade with Krijn Christiaansen/Matthijs Bosman/Artmiks, Houten council/Centre for Visual Arts (CBK), Utrecht |
2006 |
Biography of the Lemmer-Delfzijl waterway (Biografie van de vaarweg Lemmer-Delfzijl) with Vanessa van Dam, provinces of Friesland and Groningen |
2006 |
FF bijtanken (Charging the batteries), research assignment, Schijndel council |
2006 |
Een koekje van eigen deeg (Tarred with your own brush), research assignment, Zaandam council |
2006 |
Is er meer dan Meerstad? (Is there more than Meerstad?), The Government Service for Land and Water Management (DLG)/Centre for Visual Arts (CBK) Groningen |
2005 |
Koningsvoorde Museum, TBV Wonen Tilburg/NBKS |
2005 |
Het geheugen van Parijsch(The memory of Parijsch) with Observatorium, Culemborg council |
2005 |
Dan maak je maar zin (Have it your way), De Hoftoren, Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture & Science/Atelier Rijksbouwmeester |
2004 / 2005 |
De uitbreiding van polder Mastenbroek (The expansion of the Mastenbroek polder), with Theo van den Aker, province of Overijssel, Zwolle and Zwartewaterland councils, Foundation Art and Public Space (SKOR), KCO |
2003 |
Sketch assignment Art Madurodam, Imponderabilia Foundation, The Hague |
2003 |
Het wonder van Carnisse (The miracle of Carnisse) with Gilles Frenken and Vincent Bijlo, Barendrecht council |
2002 |
Leer Ons Eens Iets Nieuws College (When’re We Gonna Learn Something New College), Bernard Nieuwentijt College, Amsterdam/Kunst en Bedrijf |
2001 |
Study assignment Municipal Institution for Boys Den Engh, Den Dolder/Atelier Rijksbouwmeester |
2000 |
Sketch assignment Villa Musica, Vlaardingen |
2000 |
Sketch assignment with Gerlof Hamersma, Meppel council |
1999 |
Mentale gebiedsuitbreiding van Schiphol (Mental expansion of Amsterdam Schiphol Airport), Cals College, IJsselstein/Kunst en Bedrijf |
1999 |
In verbelinge, art based on stories in Stellingwerfs, Ooststellingwerf council/Praktijkbureau Kunstopdrachten |
1998 |
Het Kappersharnas (The Hairdresser’s armour), Zoetermeer council/Kunstgebouw Foundation for Art and Culture province of South-Holland |
1997 |
Benaderingen (Approaches), research assignment, NBKS, |

2021 |
Op recept, kunst en ontwerp voor een vitale regio, Museum van Bommel van Dam |
2018 |
Presentation at Dutch Design Week, Design Thinking for spatial adaptation |
2016 |
Engaged Art Fair, De Balie, Amsterdam and galery STAFF_ROOM |
2016 |
Reinventing Happiness, part 3, Stedelijk Museum 's-Hertogenbosch |
2016 |
Verloren en hervonden(Lost and Found),Tschumipaviljoen, Groningen |
2016 |
Zo Doen We Dat Hier, (That's the way we do it
round here) Werkwarenhuis/Social Label, 's-Hertogenbosch |
2015 |
Meditatie (Meditation), MRK, Uden |
2014 |
Reinventing Happiness, Stedelijk Museum 's-Hertogenbosch
2013 |
Holland i Hardanger, Hardanger Folkemuseum, Utne, Norway |
2013 |
Ja Natuurlijk, hoe kunst de wereld redt (Yes Naturally, how art saves the world), GEM Museum for Contemporary Art, The Hague |
2012 |
De Boom in cultuur, natuur en religie (The tree in nature, culture and religion), Museum for Religious Art, Uden |
2011 |
Messen, Galleri Puls, Norheimsund, Norway |
2011 |
GREP Vandring på Fykse (wandering through Fykse), Fyksesund Landscape Park, Norway |
2011 |
Een weg van sterren… Santiago en pelgrimage (A path of stars…Santiago and pilgrimage), Museum for Religious Art, Uden |
2010 |
De polder in beeld en geluid (The polder in sound and vision), Gorcums Museum |
2009 |
Hands on Utopia, Het Blauwe huis IJburg/Stedelijk Museum/Stedelijk in de Stad, Amsterdam |
2009 |
De wonderkamer van Zoetermeer (Zoetermeer’s ‘Room of Marvels’), Stadsmuseum Zoetermeer |
2008 |
Wij waren in Overvecht (We were in Overvecht), CM Studio, Centraal Museum, Utrecht |
2008 |
ANNO HIER (The Year Here), Centre for Visual Arts (CBK), Den Bosch |
2007 / 2008 |
Kon ik maar 1:1 een overzichtstentoonstelling van mijn gedachten maken (If only I could make a retrospective exhibition of my thoughts on a 1:1 scale), Museum Jan Cunen, Oss |
2007 |
Het weiland dat beroemd wilde worden (The meadow that wanted to become famous), artists-initiativeXIII HA, Heeswijk-Dinther |
2007 |
Bureau voor Hedendaags Avontuur (Bureau for Contemporary Adventure), The Hague Sculpture 2007 |
2006 / 2007 |
Atelier Meerstad (Workshop Meerstad), Centre for Visual Arts (CBK), Groningen |
2005 |
(P)REVIEW, Centre for Visual Arts (CBK), Utrecht |
2005 |
Polders, een theater van water (Polders, a theatre made of water), The Netherlands Architecture Institute (Nai), Rotterdam |
2005 |
Situaties/ Laboratorium Flevoland (Situations/Laboratory Flevoland), De Paviljoens, Almere |
2004 |
Wind mee (Wind in the sails), event for the Rotterdam station–The Hague station cycle route |
2003 |
DB Surround, 's-Hertogenbosch |
2002 |
Commitment, Fonds BKVB (The Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts, Design and Architecture), Las Palmas, Rotterdam |
2001 / 2002 |
Monument voor het bochtje achteruit (Monument to the three-point-turn), Inkijk, Foundation Art and Public Space (SKOR), Amsterdam |
2001 |
A very Fancy Fair, Leidsche Rijn, Square 1 Foundation, Utrecht |
2000 / 2001 |
Buren (Neighbours), Van Abbe Museum, Eindhoven |
2000 |
FORTISbeeldendekunstPRIJS, Pand Paulus, Schiedam |
2000 |
Balkonscènes(Balcony scenes), artists-initiativeArchipel, Apeldoorn |
2000 |
Public interests, artists-initiative VHDG, Leeuwarden |
2000 |
10 in het groen, 20 onder dak (10 outdoors, 20 sheltered), Noorderplantsoen, Centre for Visual Arts (CBK), Groningen |
1999 |
In Verbelinge, art based on stories in Stellingwerfs,(In Verbelinge, kunst ip basis van verhalen in het Stellingwerfs) Ooststellingwerf/Praktijkbureau Kunstopdrachten |
1999 |
De toekomst die ons toekomt (The future that belongs to us), Fonds BKVB (The Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts, Design and Architecture), Amsterdam |
1998 |
Schoonheid vs. Mentaliteit (Beauty versus mentality), Kunstestafette (art relay) province of South-Holland/Kunstgebouw, Foundation for Art and Culture province of South-Holland |
1998 |
unlimited.nl, de Appel arts centre, Amsterdam |
1997 |
Prix de Rome, Bagage Hal, KNSM-island, Amsterdam |
1997 |
Uitgelicht 2, starter stipends '95/'96, Fonds BKVB (The Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts, Design and Architecture), KunstRAI, Amsterdam |
1997 |
Benaderingen (Approaches), nbks, Breda |
1996 |
Hoek van Holland (Hook of Holland), artists-initiative Lokaal 01, Breda |
1994 |
Summer exhibition, Vishal, Haarlem |
1994 |
Een jaar later (One year later), Helmond Municipal Museum |

2019 |
Lecture In our nature festival,, De Oploop, Cultuurmij Turn Club/Podium Circulair/De Kleine Aarde, Boxtel |
2019 |
Lecture Symposium Celebrating Repair,, De Oploop, Cultuurmij Centrale Openbare Bibliotheek, Amsterdam |
2018 |
Lecture The Sociale Gym, De Oploop, Cultuurmij Oost, Arnhem |
2018 |
Lecture, Podium Circulair, Boxtel |
2017 |
Lecture The Social Gym, Cultuurconferentie, Venlo |
2017 |
Inspiration Day, 'Wie zorgt zorgt wie (Who cares for whom), Het Rijtven, Deurne/ORO |
2017 |
Lecture during symposium Reinventing Happiness, Stedelijk Museum 's-Hertogenbosch |
2016 |
Lecture during Engadged Art Fair, De Balie, Amsterdam |
2016 |
Lecture during Summerschool, Schiedam council |
2016 |
Inspiration session at De Oploop, Culture Co. East, Dru Factory, Ulft |
2015 |
Workshop care organization Marente in cooperation with LEAS Office for Care Innovation |
2015 |
Lecture at Who cares, bkkc, Tilburg |
2014 |
Essay in newspaper Ganz Mimus and mimiamben in book Mimus, Wiesje Peels |
2014 |
PUUR 't Rijtven, 6 presentations, ORO, Deurne |
2014 |
Zo doen wij dat (We always do it like this) essay in newspaper Reinventing Happiness #1, Stedelijk Museum 's-Hertogenbosch |
2013 |
SocialDesignForWickedProblems, presentations during the Dutch Design Week, in Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam and in het Nieuwe Instituut, Rotterdam |
2013 |
We educate one another, presentation Rietveld Research Residency, Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam |
2013 |
Masterclass Vragender Vrijstaat, symposium Ruimte Denken, Ede |
2013 |
Lecture at opening Stellingname - water, land and innovative heritage, Kunstfort Vijfhuizen, Haarlemmermeer |
2013 |
Lecture, GEM/Fotomuseum, Den Haag |
2012 |
Lecture, DOC Advies/Terra Artprojects, Zoetermeer |
2012 |
Presentation Rietveld Research Residency, Sandberg Institute, Amsterdam |
2012 |
Essay in book Point de Vue – kunstacademie ’s-Hertogenbosch 1812 – 2012 (Point de Vue - Academy of Arts and Design, ’s-Hertogenbosch 1812 -2012) |
2012 |
De onmacht van het getal (The powerlessness of numbers), Mister Motley# 31 |
2012 |
Lecture at network meeting Art and Science, Wageningen UR (University and Research Centre), KCG |
2012 |
Lecture, Terra Artprojects/ LEAS bureau voor zorgvernieuwing, Zoetermeer |
2011 |
Lecture, Terra Artprojects, Zoetermeer |
2011 |
Het Noorse sprookje (The Norwegian fairytale), column, BK-Informatie |
2011 |
Metaal slakken (Metal slugs), magazine Landkunst |
2011 |
Wildplassen met Delacroix, travel essays (in preparation) |
2010 |
Lecture about New Towns, Nieuwegein council
2010 |
Lecture at Design Circus Woensel-West, Dutch Design Week, Eindhoven |
2010 |
Lecture at symposium Landscape and Art, The Government Service for Land
and Water Management (DLG), Utrecht |
2010 |
Screening De uitbreiding van polder Mastenbroek (The expansion of the Mastenbroek polder), Centre for Visual Arts (CBK), Groningen |
2009 |
Lecture at symposium art and public space, province of Limburg |
2009 |
Lecture during debate Blauwe Huis IJburg/ Stedelijk in de stad (Stedelijk Goes to Town), Amsterdam |
2009 |
Lecture during exhibition De wonderkamer van Zoetermeer (Zoetermeer’s ‘Room of Marvels’), Stadsmuseum Zoetermeer |
2008 |
Aardig gevonden worden (Being liked), lecture about project in Overvecht, auditorium Centraal Museum, Utrecht |
2008 |
Lecture during workshop Culturele Planologie (Culture Based Planning), Centre for Visual Arts (CBK), Den Bosch |
2008 |
Loslaten (Letting go), essay in catalogue Housing Corporation Eigen Bezit; Characterising 1926-2007 |
2007 |
NBKS/De Pont Art Talks, De Pont Museum of Contemporary Art,Tilburg |
2007 |
De onderwereld (The underworld), essay, Mr. Motley #16 |
2007 |
Saudade, catalogue, self published |
2007 |
De bezieling van de opdracht (The soul of the assignment), column, national symposium art and public space LOKO 07, SKOR/NBKS |
2007 |
Lecture about Saudade, Centre for Visual Arts (CBK) Den Bosch/BAI |
2007 |
Op de tocht zitten (Stuck in the draught), essay on art and public space, Stroom, The Hague |
2007 |
Screening De uitbreiding van polder Mastenbroek (The expansion of the Mastenbroek polder) at The Old Market Hall, film and digital media centre UK and in The Music Hall Gallery, Shropshire UK; during workshop art and public space organised by Helmut Dick, Researchgroup Art and Public Space |
2006 |
Lecture, artists-initiative Lokaal 01, Breda |
2006 |
De man die alles kan (The do-anything man), column in the book Regionale identiteit. Kunst en ruimtelijke planvorming (Regional identity, art and spatial planning), NAi Publishers |
2006 |
De man die alles kan (The do-anything man), spoken column at symposium Ruimte voor verbeelding (Space for imagination), NBKS, Breda |
2006 |
Biografie van de vaarweg Lemmer-Delfzijl (Biography of the Lemmer-Delfzijl waterway), Noordboek Publishers |
2006 |
Screening De uitbreiding van polder Mastenbroek (The expansion of the Mastenbroek polder) at Dag van de duo’s (Day of the Duo’s), filmhouse Zierikzee; at Raad voor het Landelijk gebied, Amersfoort; at Staatsbosbeheer at Filmtheatre ’t Hoogt, Utrecht; at BügelHajema advisors, Assen; at DHV Groningen and DHV Eindhoven, at Utrecht School of the Arts (HKU), faculty of art and economics |
2005 |
Broadcast De uitbreiding van polder Mastenbroek (The expansion of the Mastenbroek polder) on 12 regional channels i.k.v. Regiodoc |
2005 |
Het geheugen van Parijsch (The memory of Parijsch), newspaper in collaboration with Observatorium/Culemborgse Courant |
2005 |
Lecture at exhibition Droppings, Kunstfort, Vijfhuizen |
2005 |
Lecture at project De spreekkamer (The consulting room), Apeldoorn council |
2005 |
Screening De uitbreiding van polder Mastenbroek (The expansion of the Mastenbroek polder) at Village Convention, Contextual Art in Rural Environments, Ditchling UK; at Overijssel day, Stoomgemaal Veneriete, Mastenbroek; at Oerol festival during International Seminar on site-specific theatre and landscape art; at symposium De introductie van het onverwachte (The introduction of the unexpected: art and spatial regulation) in NAi; at Dag van het Veen (Day of the moors), Centre for Visual Arts (CBK), Utrecht; at filmfestival Verkadefabriek Den Bosch; at De Paviljoens, Almere; at head office The Government Service for Land and Water Management (DLG), Utrecht; at Bureau Alle Hosper, Haarlem; at conference Ruimte voor verbeelding (Room for imagination), county hall, Den Bosch; at Filmhouse ’t Hoogt/Aorta the Utrecht Centre of Architecture |
2005 |
Dropping, series of columns, Haarlemmermeer council |
2005 |
De uitbreiding van polder Mastenbroek (The expansion of the Mastenbroek polder), TV Oost broadcast |
2004 |
2004 Lecture at Dag van het Veen (Day of the moors), Centre for Visual Arts (CBK), Utrecht |
2004 |
Sceening The miracle of Carnisse and De uitbreiding van polder Mastenbroek (The expansion of the Mastenbroek) polder, artists-initiative VHDG, Leeuwarden |
2004 |
Lang leve het noodlokaal! (Long live the emergency classroom!), column in the book School parasites, WIMBY, Rotterdam |
2004 |
Het wonder van Carnisse (The miracle of Carnisse), TV broadcast, TV Rijnmond |
2003 |
Geloofwaardigheid (Credibility), essay, De Gele Rijder, Arnhem/Centre for Visual Arts (CBK), Nijmegen |
2003 |
Polder Mastenbroek zet de relatie stad en landschap op scherp (The Mastenbroek polder focusses on the relationship between city and landscape), essay, Open 4, SKOR/Artimo |
2002 |
2002 School krijgt dagelijks andere naam (School gets a new name every day), Bernard Nieuwentijt College, Amsterdam |
2001 |
Het pinguïntheater (The penguin theatre), column, Beelden magazine number 3 |
2001 |
Jeroen J., essay, Catalogue 1 magazine |
2000 |
Plaatselijk bewolkt (Here and there cloudy), leaflet, self published |
2000 |
Het complot van de voorbijganger (The passer-by’s conspiracy), essay, Centre for Visual Arts (CBK), Groningen |
1999 |
Geheime agenda 2000-2003 (Secret agenda 2000-2003), catalogue, Cals College IJsselstein |
1999 |
In een tussenuur wordt een tijdzone gepasseerd (Changing time zone in an odd hour), essay, Trouw national newspaper |
1999 |
StadBeeld Eindhoven Visies en verhalen (StadBeeld Eindhoven, Visions and tales), essay, NAi Publishers, Rotterdam |
1999 |
Aangeharkte hartstocht (Well organised passion), series of columns, Lucas X, province of Utrecht |
1998 |
Ambitieuze onzichtbaarheid (Ambitious invisibility), essay in Metropolis M, number 5 |
1998 |
Het kappersharnas (The Hairdresser’s armour), magazine, self published |
1998 |
Ambitieuze onzichtbaarheid (Ambitious invisibility), lecture at symposium Commitment!, Gemeentemuseum The Hague |
1998 |
Boeken uit de kast (Books off the shelf), lecture at Stroom, The Hague |
1997 |
Buitenlucht (Openair), lecture at de Appel arts centre, Amsterdam |
1997 |
Gepalmeerd geluk (Palmed happiness), book of essays written during work period Prix de Rome, self published |
1997 |
Beeldhouwen met pleinvrees (Sculpture with agoraphobia), book of essays on art and public space, nbks, Breda |

2019 / 2020 |
Gastlessen, Severinus Academie, Veldhoven |
2015 - 2020 |
Member of the advisory committee Art and Design, Utrecht |
2014 / 2015 |
Studio for Human Habitat and Culture, guest teaching, iARTS,
Maastricht |
2014 |
Lecture at Studium Generale 'Interdisciplinairy!' segment Arts &
Humanity, AKV/St. Joost in Breda |
2011- 2015 |
Member of the advisory committee KOR (Art and Public Space), Heerlen |
2013 |
Lecture, MA Media Culture, Maastricht University, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences |
2013 |
Lecture, Utrecht University, Department of Media and Culture Studies |
2013 |
Guest teaching Avans Hogeschool, Department of Social Studies, 's-Hertogenbosch |
2013 |
Lecture at Studium Generale, Rietveld Academy, Amsterdam |
2012 |
Guest teaching, Frank Mohr International Masters, Groningen |
2012 |
Guest teaching Avans Hogeschool, Department of Social Studies, 's-Hertogenbosch |
2010 - 2012 |
Advisor Fonds BKVB (The Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts,
Design and Architecture), Amsterdam, committee Artist and School
2011 |
Guest teaching Avans Hogeschool, Department of Social Studies, 's-Hertogenbosch |
2010 / 2011 |
Guest teaching, St. Joost Art College, Breda |
2010 |
Lecture, Sandberg Institute, Amsterdam
2010 |
Lecture, Willem de Kooning Academy, Fine Art & Design Teacher Training,
Rotterdam and Royal Academy of Art, The Hague |
2010 |
Lecture and guest teaching, Design Academy, Man and Public Space, Eindhoven |
2010 |
Guest teaching Avans Hogeschool, Department of Social Studies, 's-Hertogenbosch |
2009 |
Lecture and guest teaching, Rietveld Academy, Language and Image department/Lectoraat Kunst en Publieke Ruimte (Researchgroup Art and Public Space), Amsterdam |
2009 |
Lecture, Vrije Academie, Work Space for the Visual Arts, The Hague |
2009 |
Lecture and workshop, Minerva Academy, Groningen |
2009 |
Guest teaching Avans Hogeschool, Department of Social Studies, 's-Hertogenbosch |
2008 |
Lecture and workshop, ArtEZ Academy of Art and Design, Arnhem/Enschede/Zwolle |
2008 |
Lecture (with Matthijs Bosman), Willem de Kooning Academy, Rotterdam |
2008 |
Lecture, Post-St.Joost photography, St. Joost Art College, Breda |
2007 |
Lecture, ArtEZ Academy of Art and Design, Arnhem/Enschede/Zwolle |
2007 - 2009 |
Advisor Rotondelab (Roundaboutlab), province of Utrecht |
2006 |
Workshop art and public space, St.Joost Art College, Den Bosch |
2006 |
Lecture Academy of Architecture, Rotterdam |
2004 |
Lecture, ArtEZ Academy of Art and Design, department of Fine Arts, Arnhem |
2001 - 2003 |
Guest teaching, ArtEZ Academy of Art and Design, department of Fine Arts, Arnhem |
2001 - 2003 |
Advisor Fonds BKVB (The Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts, Design and Architecture), Amsterdam, committee artist in residence ISP(International Studio Program, New York) |
1997 - 2001 |
Member of the advisory committee Stadbeeld, art and public space, Eindhoven |

2001- present |
Design presentations, visualisations of designs, posters and all other graphic design, among others: house-style Rijtven Deurne, house-style Fora & Fauna, Sugar-aunt van Heuvel, High Rise Visitor |
2010 - present |
MRK Uden,
web-design, web-editing, design of flyers, posters, etc. |
2010 - present |
Design and execution of products in textiles and leather |
2001 - present |
Design and Construction of websites, freelance work
incl. Project Management van Nistelrooij, Coaching Ruimte & Lot, Theatre Group Witlof, Mattijs Bosman, Sugar-aunt van Heuvel, Museum Night, 2003/2005, VKJP (Association for Children's and Young People's Psychotherapy), Edufocus |
2004 - 2005 |
EKWC, 's-Hertogenbosch
Functie: ceramics instructor, |
2000 - 2001 |
SPC Group , 's-Hertogenbosch
Functie: senior designer
Basic design, consultancy concerning internet sites including work for: Residentie Investment, ASVZ, KeyStone, Konmar, |
1995 - 2000 |
NOB Interactive, Hilversum
Functie: senior designer
Basic design, production and product guidance of inter-active programmes on pc, cd-rom, cd-i and internet including work for the following clients:
Libertel, Wolters-Noordhoff, NOB Interactive, Shell Nederland, Shell Pernis, NIBE (banking education), ING Bank, SNS bank, IDC (publishers), PTT TOS, Rotterdam Police Force, Dienst Ruimtelijke Ordening Amsterdam, KLM.
1992 - 1994 |
Quadrant Communicatie nv, Utrecht
Functie: programme-designer and later designer
Programme-design, basic design and production of
interactive programmes on pc, cd-rom and cd-i

The Social Gym
reviews and interviews:
Hallo Nederland (NPO 2), Open Huis (NPO Radio 2), Brabants Dagblad, Eindhovens Dagblad, Algemeen Dagblad, Omroep Brabant, website De nieuwe Praktijk, Dichtbij, Stadskrant Veghel, Wijkkrant Muntel, website Invoorzorg
studio PUUR
reviews and interviews: www.publiekgemaakt.nl, Happinez, Eindhovens Dagblad, Klik vakblad voor verstandelijk gehandicaptenzorg, Who Cares magazine (bkkc), Markant, magazine Vereniging Gehandicaptenzorg Nederland (VGN), website De Nieuwe Praktijk, magazine Downup
Fora & Fauna - As a bacteria I think very differently about that,
reviews and interviews: de Volkskrant, NRC Handelsblad, Trouw, Brabants Dagblad, VARA Vroege Vogels Radio 1, NCRV Cappuccino Radio 2, KRO's Nacht van het goede leven Radio 1, VPRO Boeken website, Filosofie Magazine website, Metropolis M, Kunstbeeld
If only I could make a retrospective exhibition of my thoughts on a 1:1 scale,
reviews and interviews: de Volkskrant, VPRO avondlog Wim Noordhoek, Brabants Dagblad, Omroep Brabant TV and Radio, various regional papers and television stations
Burglary by appointment, Exchange your house keys for a cock and bull story,
reviews and interviews: ANP (Netherlands national news agency), VPRO de Avonden, VARA breakfast radio Radio 1, Hagensopdemiddag, AVRO, Radio 1, Radio Nederland World Service, various regional papers and radio/television stations
80 biographers write 'Biography of a waterway' in one day,
reviews and interviews: NOS News, de Volkskrant, NRC Handelsblad, Trouw, ANP (Netherlands national news agency), VPRO de Avonden, Met het oog op morgen Radio 1, VARA breakfast radio Radio 2, various regional papers, radio and television
Evocative power of a building site, Saudade,
reviews and interviews: Jeugdjournaal, NRC Next, NRC, de Volkskrant, RTV Utrecht, AD/Utrechts Nieuwsblad, Omroep Brabant TV, LucasX, Beelden, various regional papers and radio/television stations
The expansion of the Mastenbroek polder,
reviews and interviews: Radio and TV Oost, de Volkskrant, Architectuur Lokaal, Open (NAi publishers/SKOR), De Stentor/Zwolse Courant, Brabants Dagblad, various regional papers and radio/television stations
School gets a new name every day, When're We Gonna Learn Something New College,
reviews and interviews: Metro, 5 in het land, RTL 5, Brabants Dagblad, Mr. Motley
Announcements from Amsterdam Airport Schiphol broadcast live in school canteen, Mental expansion of Amsterdam Schiphol Airport, reviews and interviews: Thuis op twee, Radio 2, Metro, Utrechts Nieuwsblad, Lucas X, ANP (Netherlands national news agency), various regional papers

2015 |
Meditation, MRK Uden/Berne Media
2013 |
Badgast. In between PS1 New York and Shanghai, Satellietgroep, the Hague
2013 |
Ja Natuurlijk, Hoe kunst de wereld redt, (Yes Naturally, How Art Saves The World) NAi010 Uitgevers |
2012 |
De Boom in cultuur, natuur en religie (The tree in nature, culture and religion), Museum for Religious Art, Uden |
2011 |
In Opdracht, zestig jaar percentageregeling beeldende kunst bij rijksgebouwen (Commissioned, sixty years percentage for art programme at government buildings), SUN architecture |
2009 |
De wonderkamer van Zoetermeer (Zoetermeer's 'Room of Marvels'), Stadsmuseum Zoetermeer |
2007 |
Present: kunst bij rijksgebouwen 2004-2006 (Present. Percentage for Art in the Netherlands 2004-2006), Episode Publishers, Rotterdam |
2006 |
Regionale identiteit. Kunst en ruimtelijke planvorming (Regional identity. Art and Spatial Planning), NAi Publishers/SKOR |
2005 |
Polders! Gedicht Nederland (Polders! Lyrical Lowlands), editors: Adriaan Geuze, Fred Feddes, NAi Publishers |
2000 |
Buren (Neighbours), Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven |

2019 / 2020 |
Project grant project Re-creatie, Creative Industries Fund NL, Mondriaan Fund, Bank Giro Loterij fonds andKF Hein Fonds |
2018 |
Project grant via Open Call Designing a Community of Care, Creative Industries Fund NL |
2018 |
Stipendium Established artists, Mondriaan Fund |
2018 |
Project grant, The Social Gym, Stichting Doen |
2018 |
Social Initiatives Fund, The Social Gym, 's-Hertogenbosch council |
2017 |
Grant Commissioning, project Hortus Hermitage, Haren botanical gardens, Mondriaan Fund |
2016 |
Project grant via TAAK, Mondriaan Fund |
2015 |
Project grant, Doen Foundation/Bank Giroloterij Fund |
2015 |
Project grant via ORO, province of North-Brabant./BKKC, impulsgelden instrument |
2013 |
Project grant, Mondriaan Fund |
2010 |
Project grant AIR Ålvik, Norway, bkkc |
2009 |
Basic stipend, The Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts, Design and Architecture (Fonds BKVB) |
2009 |
Website grant, bkkc |
2002 |
Basic stipend, The Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts, Design and Architecture (Fonds BKVB) |
2001 |
Publication grant, Noordbrabants Fonds voor Beeldende kunstenaars |
2000 |
Work stipend, The Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts, Design and Architecture (Fonds BKVB) |
1998 |
Project grant, Noordbrabants Fonds voor Beeldende kunstenaars |
1997 |
Publication grant, Noordbrabants Fonds voor Beeldende kunstenaars |
1997 |
Publication grant, The Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts, Design and Architecture (Fonds BKVB) |
1995 |
Starter stipend, The Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts, Design and Architecture (Fonds BKVB) |

1989-1993 Academy of Arts and Design, ’s-Hertogenbosch
2013 Matzer Masterclass playwriting, Peter de Graef

1984-1989 Royal Academy of Arts
and Design, ’s-Hertogenbosch
1991-1992 Master of New Media,
2001-2004 Ceramic techniques
2012/2014 Courses Norwegian A1- A2- B1(CEFRL)

2019 Sociale Gym Dutch Fitness Awards, Creativity-award and Gym of the year in Den Bosch
2007 The Prince Bernard Cultural Fund, Brabant Art Prize 2007
2000 Nominated for FORTIS arts prize
1997 Basic Prize, Prix de Rome, Art and Public Space

Artist-duo Sjaak Langenberg and Rosé de Beer, conduct solicited and unsolicited research into the ins and outs of communities – social communities and working ones – with a sharp eye for the blind spots that exist as a consequence of habits and routines. In answer to the issues present in a particular community, they develop outlooks and interventions which are estranged from daily routine, yet are, at the same time, 'obvious solutions'. In doing so they also offer new approaches for all those involved. By placing local politics within a larger societal perspective, and bringing seemingly irreconcilable worlds together, they create scope for new perspectives. Within their societal infiltrations they make use of various media and forms of communication – continuously navigating between a stubbornly autonomous result and maximum public reach. As well as involvement in their joint practice, Sjaak Langenberg is also active as lecturer and text-writer, and Rosé de Beer as designer.